Video Conferenceing Center Registered Professional Reporters National   International   Worldwide NJ Certified Court Reporters

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Video Conferencing

Whether you are in Philadelphia, the witness is in Michigan, and opposing counsel is in Florida, it’s never been easier. There is no need to hassle at the airport to catch a flight. Our office will coordinate and handle all the necessary arrangements to make your three-way video conferencing go seamlessly, and be home in time for dinner.  
Both of our sites are open 24/7.

Zoom Depositions

Click a link on your laptop and join the conference/deposition, all without leaving your home or office. It’s that simple. Mobile video conferencing, using an HD camera, crisp audio, and the ability to connect to VTC units, PCs, Macs, iPads and mobile phones. Please contact us and we will get you connected, saving you time, money and the stress of travel.